We Believe Every Drop is Worth Saving

Without water, there can be no life. As a company rooted in Africa, we have the first-hand experience in a very urgent need for solutions that will conserve and sustain our most precious natural resource.

EcoSat has embraced this challenge as an opportunity to developed new strategies and technologies in the field of Portable Water. Leadership, vision, and our continued dedication to the innovation of sustainable solutions have made EcoSat a preferred supplier of reuse and recycling technologies and in the management of effluent and sludge plants for municipalities and various industry players.

EcoSat delivers pro-active and transparent water and effluent management strategies which include:

  • Professional assistance
  • Consultation and project and/or plant management
  • Ecological impact assessments
  • Environmental, waste and water management programmes
  • Effluent and sanitation management according to regulatory requirements

Our solutions include several "zero effluent" discharge facilities for the centralised treatment of stormwater run-off and effluent that have brought our vision of reducing the impact on the environment wherever possible, to life.

EcoSat provides bulk water services to both small rural water schemes that require basic water treatment, through to megalitre regional water supply schemes which include abstraction from existing natural water sources as well as recycling waste streams, waste handling and process automation.

Our effluent to potable water solutions provide:

  • Effective natural state stability restoration of radical pollutants
  • Cost-effective non-intervention pollution remediation processes
  • Electrolytic pH restoration that results in the precipitation of heavy base metals
  • Dissolves flocculation cations without inhabiting anions
  • Sacrificial electrodes extract and precipitate sulphates, phosphates and metals associated with an effluent
  • Cost-effective acid mine drainage amelioration