
Thursday, 05 December 2019

We have the means to treat dairy industry effluent for water preservation.


  • The seasonal fluctuation, high chemical oxygen demands, degrees Brix, filter media and alternating pH all have a critical impact on the effective treatment on the effluent emanating from the dairy industry.
  • The confined area of a typical dairy makes it critical that the effluent be treated effectively and completely removed from the dairy. This effluent has to be treated and contained before being discharged into natural streams or being recycled for re-use.
  • International quality control, environmental legislation and pressure to re-use water are contributing factors.


  • The production of cheese, butter, yoghurt, milk, powdered milk, condensed milk, cream, ice cream and fruit blend juices contribute to large quantities of fats, oils and organic compounds that are highly receptive to bacterial infections, impacting the hygiene of the production environment.
  • Caution in the management and treatment of effluent in this industry is vital in order to prevent external contaminants from entering the hygiene cycle.
  • High discharge penalties were incurred.
  • Effluent volumes resulted in unpleasant odours and water discolouration. 
  • CIP wash model also contributed to the quality of water and contamination thereof.