The Bio-Catalytic Reactor (BCR) is one of EcoSat’s Smart Total Digester (STD) products. By optimising the digestive capability of smart bacteria, the BCR hydrolyses the organic, suspended and dissolved solids. All Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Total Organic Carbon (TOC) are being completely digested to CO2 and water. No organic sludge is being retained. The only sediment would be stones and non-organic items.
The BCR is a hybrid bio-digestion system that combines elements from three water treatment systems.
Bio-catalytic reactors are being employed successfully in the urban, golf estate and other human settlement environments, as well as the industrial environment.

Water treatment systems
Bernoulli Separation
The traditional fat trap is an undercut overflow system that allows fats to accumulate at the top of a tank while the cleaner water can flow through to a second tank. We utilize this basic concept to concentrate fats and exclude it from our final outflow.
Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF)
We aerate to ensure that all fats will be concentrated at the top of each tank again ensuring no fats reach our outflow water.
Biological Hydrolysis
A catalytic acceleration is used to break down the organic compound. This is achieved by breaking a covalent bond in the compound by inserting an exited water molecule across the bond. EcoSat utilizes elements from an empirical biological reactor to be able to digest the fats accumulated in the reactors. A return flow pump is being used for circulation and to improve contact time and hydraulic retention. Aeration promotes dissolved oxygen levels required to oxidize the fats.
Single-step for separation, thickening, and optional de-watering of primary solids; increases the amount of diversion of digestible solids to digestion |
Removes nutrients and organics from the effluent load; a low-energy option boasts 4X greater efficiency than conventional fine bubble aeration |
Organics shunted from biological treatment are processed through advanced digestion, converting sludge into biogas; 20% to 30% higher biogas yield than conventional anaerobic digestion; enables the treatment of sludge in reduced digester retention times allowing for optimized digester volume to treat more sludge, and /or external wastes |