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Metal Polishing Industry

Thursday, 05 December 2019

We have the means to treat metal polishing industry effluent for water preservation.


  • The polishing of metal to either enhance it, prevent corrosion or eliminate bacteria or mould, results in the effluent.
  • The confined area of a metal polishing industry makes it critical that the effluent be treated effectively and completely removed. The effluent has to be treated and contained before being discharged into natural streams or being recycled
    for re-use. 
  • International quality control, environmental legislation and pressure to re-use water are contributing factors.


  • The liberation of high oxidizing carcinogenic metals all plays a vital role within the industry. This includes Cr⁶⁺, nickel, zinc, lead, copper, arsenic and similar
    contaminants. These products all have the ability to sterilize a normal bacteriological sewage treatment plant.
  • High discharge penalties were incurred.
  • Effluent volumes resulted in unpleasant odours and water discolouration. 
  • CIP wash model also contributed to the quality of water and contamination thereof.


  • Our experience in this industry over the past 36 years has given EcoSat privileged knowledge on the imminent water qualities and solution technologies. EcoSat employs chemical, mechanical, and civil engineers as well as other qualified staff in designing our solution, allowing the metal polishing industry to focus on what the are best at.
  • EcoSat employed a unique effluent treatment capability to allow for permanent or static installations on a rental or full ownership principle supported by a complete treatment capability. This allows EcoSat to
    effectively deal with the challenges raised above.
  • The Electrochemical Coagulation (EC) electrolytic plant has the ability to neutralize all these components through the electrochemical reaction. This delivers a low contaminant, high effective neutralization of these carcinogenic effluent products.
  • The installation of the EcoSat solution provides water quality at SANS 241 Class1. This water is suitable for reuse in the plating plant as well as the boilers and cooling systems.


wine flow diagram


BEFORE 3.8 18 000 875 3.8 R21.45 875
AFTER 6.8 1 000 125 6.8 R7.55 125


The results emanating from our EcoSat experience in this industry offers you, the client, tested technologies, guaranteed results and a committed partner.